Personal Injury

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Personal injury refers to an injury to the body, mind, or emotions. Motor vehicle accidents are the major causes of personal injury litigations in the U.S. Depending on the severity of the injuries, the victims would face extensive medical expenses to treat their injuries for a long time.

Claiming the damages for personal injury will be a herculean task without knowing how to win a personal injury lawsuit. Only an attorney for personal injury can decode the supporting facts and estimate the damages using a personal injury calculator.

Personal injury lawyers have to surf through voluminous medical records to review medical records, which costs a lot of time and money. LezDo TechMed helps personal injury law firms and attorneys by skimming hefty documents to review medical records. We provide Medical Chronology, Narrative Summary, Deposition Summary, and so on in the desired formats for personal injury attorneys, QMEs and IMEs quickly and cost-efficiently.

personal injury - LezDo TechMed
Our Manifesto

Ultimate Attention to Precision, Quality, and Reliability


LezDo TechMed’s Prowess in Personal Injury

Every personal injury lawsuit aims to assist the injured in getting a settlement for personal injury. It includes the damages incurred by the injured from a negligent or reckless accident. The present and future medical expenses, lost income, property damage, pain and suffering, and punitive damages are the monetary damages covered under a lawsuit for personal injury.

To get the recompense, the victim would need a precise deposition summary, narrative summary, medical chronology, and demand letter. Our team of medical-legal experts has vast experience in digesting the medical records into concise and crisp medical record review formats to fortify the claim.

LezDo Tackles the Hurdles in Personal Injury Litigation

The major hurdles in a lawsuit for personal injury are determining the fault in the case and calculating the damages to claim. For both, the medical record is the inevitable evidence. The type and extent of injury in the records can be vital in deciding the outcome of a lawsuit.

As a top-notch medical record review services USA, LezDo provides unbiased and fact-based medical record review to assist the attorney in calculating the damages and demand a lump sum reparation over the damages sustained due to the personal injury.

Let’s groom your case together


Quality Assured

Key personal injury facts are presented in an easily digestible and error-free format. A review of medical records is undertaken by our team of experts from the medical and legal fields. A skilled reviewer of medical records makes the review error-free and effective.

Value to Time

Perusing the vital points for a lawsuit for personal injury in a precise document will save the personal injury attorneys’ time from reviewing medical records of huge volumes. Personal injury law firms can tackle multiple cases effortlessly with our reviews.
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Start to End

Our legal nurse consultants and physicians begin each case by analyzing it and drafting a flawless and strong demand letter for settlement. To obtain the settlement, attorneys must simply review and send the demand letter. LezDo assists you until the settlement.

Focused Areas for Personal Injury

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Medical Chronology


Narrative Summary

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Deposition Summary

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Demand Letter

background10 invoice - LezDo TechMed

Special Injury Report


Medical Billing Analysis


Medical Cost Projections


Pain & Suffering Chart

Types of Lawsuits for Personal Injury

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Wrongful Deaths

Workplace Accidents

Premises Liability

Slip and Falls

Dog Bites


Sports Injuries

Pedestrian Accidents

Building Collapses