Medical Records Sorting and Indexing

Streamlined medical record organization for your easy access

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Medical records sorting and indexing are crucial processes that involve categorising, organising, and managing medical documents. Why to sort and index medical records?  Sorting and indexing is carried out to ensure efficient access and retrieval of patient information from voluminous medical records. In medical record sorting, documents are systematically arranged according to criteria such as patient names, dates, etc. Medical records indexing involves providing bookmarks within the documents for easy navigation.

Benefits of Medical Record Sorting and Indexing


Personal Injury Solicitors

Medical records sorting and indexing for solicitors offer an easy access to relevant medical information this helps in expediting litigations. Organised medical records provide valid evidence, supporting solicitors in building stronger cases for their clients.


Healthcare Facilities

Medical chart sorting and indexing provides better operational efficiency to healthcare facilities by providing quicker access to patient information. Indexed medical records enable them to make informed decisions through timely interventions and treatments, ultimately improving patient care.


Insurance Companies

Medical records sorting and indexing for insurance companies offer quick medical records access, accelerating claims processing. Organised medical records provide insurers with accurate insights into the health history of policyholders, facilitating more accurate risk assessment and underwriting decisions.

LezDo TechMed’s Record Sorting and Indexing Services

LezDo provides expert medical document sorting and indexing services, customised to address the unique requirements of the clients. Our medical chart review experts organise medical records, facilitating quick access and efficient case management. By outsourcing sorting and indexing services to us, our clients achieve reduced administrative burdens and cost savings.


How Do We Sort and Index Your Records?  

Dive into our seamless sorting & indexing process


Analysis of Records

We analyse medical documents, with special focus on page numbers, dates, and other critical details.


Medical Records Sorting

The next step is customised sorting of the medical records as per the client’s requirements.


Organisation of Records

We systematically organise the sorted medical records, ensuring accuracy and completeness.


Medical Records Indexing

The final step is bookmarking and indexing of the medical records for easy navigation and data retrieval.

What Records Do We Sort and Index?


Patient Demographic Charts


Medical Reports


Physician Orders


Clinical History


Insurance Bills and Claims


Pharmacy Request


Referral/Prior Authorization Request


Hospital Admission Notes


Discharge Notes