Special Reports Samples

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Medical Record Review Samples

Medical Chronology Samples

Case Summary Samples

Deposition Summary Samples

Letter of Claim Samples

Expert Medical Opinion Samples

Life Care Plan Samples

Aps Summarization Samples

Sorting and Indexing Samples

Special Reports Samples

Technical Services Samples

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Sample for Treatment Timeline (MedLine) Sample

Treatment timeline is a tailored pictorial representation of the major medical events with apt matching icons.

Clear Chronological Presentation: The sample timeline precisely arranges events, procedures, and occurrences chronologically.

Comprehensive Details: Each entry includes the date of service, type of notes, and provider name for easy reference.

Unique Icons: Different types of events are represented by unique icons, enhancing visual clarity. The drawn line enables smooth continuation of each event, while sub-drawn lines track therapeutic sessions from initial to final sessions.

Session Count: Total session counts for each course of therapy are provided separately, ensuring comprehensive tracking.

Missing records are highlighted in yellow and labeled as “Records Not Available.”

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LDTT001 - Treatment Timeline


Strength and Weakness Report Sample

The special report highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the claim, helping the solicitors to present the case better.

Reports: Strengths and weaknesses are presented separately.

PDF Reference: PDF reference is given at the end of each content.

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LDSW001 - Strength and Weakness


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Explanatory Billing Analysis Sample

Billing analysis presents a detailed bill amounts from all facilities.

Tailored Formats: We provide billing analysis as brief medical billing analysis, explanatory billing analysis, chronology billing analysis and Howell medical billing analysis.

Precision in Details: CPT code, PDF reference page number, and date of service for the total bill in each visit or procedure is presented.

Billing Summary: A cumulative billing summary is also included facility-wise with date ranges.

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LDBA001 - Explanatory Billing Analysis


Literature Review Sample for Medical Negligence

Literature review provides valid supporting evidence for medical negligence litigations.

Cross-Reference: Medical negligence factors are cross-referenced from journals, articles, and other internet sources.

PDF Reference: PDF reference page number is provided along with each title.

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LDLR001 - Literature Review of Medical Malpractice


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Sample for Med A Word

Med a Word provides explanation for complicated medical terms used in medical summary.

Bulletin Format: The summary is given in precise bulletin format.

Linking with Google: The medical terms are linked to definition provided in Google.

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LDMW001 - Med A Word


Sample for Missing Record Identification

We identify the missing documents pertinent to the case’s focal point within the medical records.

Representation: The list of missing documents are outlined under the section labeled “missing medical records”

Source: The source documents from which the missing records are identified would be precisely mentioned.

Date & Time: Detailed information regarding the date and time period of the missing records is provided.

Confirmatory & Probability: The summarizer scrutinizes the medical records to determine whether the missing records are confirmatory or likely.

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LDMR001 - Missing Record


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Sample for Special Injury Report

Special injury report exclusively presents all the injury data systematically.

Data Presentation: All the crucial data pertaining to the injury like damages, treatments, and surgical procedures are clearly presented.

Case Summary: A concise case summary is included in the injury report.

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LDIR001 - Special Injury Report


Snapshot Summary Sample

LezDo’s snap shot summary provides a brief overview of all notable medical events and appointments.

Chronological Order: Medical events are arranged as per the date of occurrence.

Injury History: The narrative begins with injury history

Discrete Presentation: Each visit or service is clearly presented in a distinct box format.

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LDSN001 - Snapshot Summary


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Sample for Pain & Suffering Chart

Pain & suffering chart exclusively covers the pain levels of the physical injuries sustained by the claimant in the subject litigation.

Chronological Representation: The pain levels as mentioned by the victim after subject injury is depicted in a chronological order.

PDF Page Reference: Details like pain score, prescribed medications, and the daily activity which is affected due to the pain is precisely mentioned with apt PDF page reference.

Clear Format: Bulletin format is used to portray patient’s pain locations.

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LDPS001 - Pain & Suffering Chart


Narrative Synopsis Summary Sample

Narrative medical synopsis presents all the medical incidents in a short narrative.

Chronological Presentation: Medical events summary is presented in a chronological sequence.

Facility-Wise Summarization: All visits are summarized as per the facility.

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LDSS001 - Narrative Synopsis Summary Sample


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